Now that the Halloween is over I sat down and made something that I've been wanting to do for a while, a test board for Prop-1 programs. 8 LED's and a trigger button on a board that connects right up to a Prop-1, simple but very nice to have.
That's totally cool and a nice job. Just another great way for testing the ULN and it's just as good as lamps.
I guess it works with 12V or 24V power supplies?
Thanks Bill. The LED resistors are sized for 12V.
What a cool idea... Would it be possible to share a schematic and parts list??? Thanks.
Sure, though there's not much to the schematics. Just connect the V+ pin with all 8 resistors, each resistor to the + of an LED, the negative side of each LED to each corrisponding OUT pin.
2 3/4" x 1 7/8" project board
8 - 5mm LED's
8 - 470 ohm resistor
19 pin - 90 degree header (pull 9 pins out)
N.O. momentary button switch
2 - pin connector with leads for trigger button